Zikir Indonesia - Quran & Dzik

by Ridhar Studio



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 👏* Update Application Zikir Indonesia now WITHOUT ADVERTISING *Indonesian dhikr is an application that makes it easy for you to practice daily remembrance, such as dhikr morning and evening. The main feature of this application is to use remembrance refinement in accordance with a strong hadith argument.In the current application available remembrance:- Morning remembrance 🌅- Evening remembrance 🌃- Remembrance after fardu prayer- Recitation before going to bedThe available remembrance support features are:- Make a list of favorite remembrance.- Prayer beads in every remembrance that require repetition.- Features of prayer beads that can be used to calculate recitation of remembrance.- Remembrance notification / reminder morning, evening and before bed.- Setting the remembrance letter directly on the remembrance page, no need to set / settings page.Currently the Zikir Indonesia application has Al-Quran features. The advantages of the Koran that are applied here are:- Al-Quran recitations in accordance with the Al Quran of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (https://quran.kemenag.go.id/)- Type of Arabic script in accordance with the official font of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, namely Isep Misbah LPMQ Font.- Contains Al Quran and translations in accordance with the Ministry of Religion.- Search letter names easily, for example: yasin letter, yusuf letterHopefully the application that we make can be useful and help you to practice Dhikr and read the Koran.May God accept all our deeds. Amen. 🙏* For input and suggestions can send an email to [email protected].